
Environmental impact assessment information publicity

Release time: 2018-06-18

Sinphar Tian-Li  Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(Hangzhou)
newly added an annual output of 150t of food extracts and 30t of edible vegetable oil (by-products)

Environmental impact assessment information publicity

According to the "Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China", "Interim Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment" (Huanfa 2006 [28]) and "Zhejiang Province Construction Project Environmental Protection Management Measures (2018 Revision)" No. 364) and other relevant regulations, the environmental impact assessment information of this project is now publicized. The purpose of this announcement is to inform the public about the project overview, the main pollution prevention measures to be taken by the project, the impact of the main pollutants discharged on the environment, the way and content of soliciting public opinions, and the relevant contact information. The construction unit and EIA unit are willing to actively communicate and communicate with the public.

1. The basic situation of the construction project

1. Project name: Xinghui Tianli (Hangzhou) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. newly added an annual output of 150t of food extracts and 30t of edible vegetable oil (by-products).

2. Construction unit: Xinghui Tianli (Hangzhou) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

3. Nature of the project: expansion.

4. Construction site: No. 599 Hongfeng Road, Yuhang Economic and Technological Development Zone.

5. Project construction scale: The project mainly uses natural medicinal materials, ethanol and water as raw materials. After extraction, impurity removal, enzymolysis, drying and other technologies or processes, it purchases domestic equipment such as extraction tanks, centrifuges, concentrators, and enzymatic hydrolysis tanks. After the project is completed, it will have an annual output capacity of 150t of food extracts and 30t of edible vegetable oil by-products. The extracts include food (peptide powder) (product code: GF159) 100 tons / year; food (protein powder) (product code: GF157), food (peptide powder) (product code: GF157APE), food ( Sugar) (product code: GF157APS) with a total of 50 tons per year, and the raw material of food (peptide powder) with product code GF159 is walnuts, the kernels need to be pressed before production, this process produces edible vegetable oil by-products. The product has the effects of lowering blood fat, enhancing memory, resisting fatigue and smog. Use the original land and original workshop.

2. Distribution of main environmental sensitive targets within the scope of environmental impact assessment

Table 1 List of main protection objects around the project

Environmental factors

Object of protection


The closest distance to the field (m)


Protection level


Yangfeng River, Hongfeng Community



About 170 households

Air Environment Level 2

Starlight Community e Century Long Island Green Park



About 150 households

Hongfeng Community



About 70 households

Hongqi Community



About 200 households

Huqiao Community



About 300 households

Xingguang Community Red Maple Garden



About 1000 households

Hengtang Community



About 200 households

Workers and peasants community



About 1500 households

Shuanglin Community



About 2000 households

Fei Zhuang Community



About 1000 households


Yangfeng River, Hongfeng Community



About 170 households

Acoustic environment category 2, along the first row along Hongfeng Road is category 4a

Factory boundary




South side, west side type 4a, other 2 types


Pavilion port



About 20m wide,  Industrial water area

Water Environment Category IV

3. Major environmental impact forecast

1. Wastewater

After all kinds of production and domestic wastewater of the project have been treated to reach the third-level standard of GB8978-1996 "Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard", they will be included in the regional sewage pipe network and sent to Qige Wastewater Treatment Plant for treatment and discharge, which will not cause obvious surface water environment Adverse effects.

2. Groundwater

The ground of the production workshop of this project is hardened, and the production wastewater is collected effectively and then enters the self-built wastewater treatment station. After the treatment reaches the standard, it will be sent to Qige Wastewater Treatment Plant for centralized treatment. Enterprises should do a good job of collecting waste water, and do a good job of anti-seepage treatment of pipelines. In addition, anti-seepage measures must be taken for the project's sewage treatment plant, and interception ditches should be installed. With the above measures taken, and analogous to similar companies, this project has little impact on groundwater.

3. Exhaust gas

The waste gas such as ethanol and dust of the project has been collected and treated to meet the second-level standards and other corresponding emission standards in GB16297-1996 "Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants".

After prediction and analysis, after the project is put into production, the maximum landing concentration of exhaust gas during normal discharge is lower than the corresponding ambient air quality standard limit. The ambient air quality around the project before and after implementation basically maintains the status quo, and the ambient air quality can meet the requirements of the corresponding standards such as GB3095-1996 "Ambient Air Quality Standard".

4. Noise

After the operation of the project, after taking appropriate noise control measures, the perimeter noise can reach the corresponding standard in GB12384-2008 "Environmental Noise Emission Standards for Industrial Enterprise Boundaries"; it will not cause the environmental quality of surrounding sensitive points such as surrounding residents to exceed the standard.

5. Solid waste

All kinds of industrial solid waste in this project are properly disposed after collection, and the domestic garbage is cleaned up and disposed by the local environmental sanitation department.

6. Environmental risks

The main risk accidents that may occur in this project are exhaust emission accidents. In this regard, the company will strictly implement the corresponding risk prevention measures and emergency measures to control the project environmental risks within an acceptable range.

4. Main environmental protection measures, environmental risk prevention measures and expected effects

1. Wastewater treatment measures: The drainage system strictly adopts the rain and sewage diversion system; after the production and domestic sewage are processed by the corresponding sewage treatment device to meet the standard of the standard, the waste water is discharged.

2. Groundwater treatment measures: wastewater treatment tank: According to HJ610-2016 "Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Guidelines for Groundwater Environment", the project can adopt zoned prevention and control measures and anti-seepage measures, which must achieve an equivalent clay anti-seepage layer ≥6.0m, K≤1 × 10-7cm / s. Hazardous waste temporary storage room: must be equivalent to clay anti-seepage layer ≥1.5m, K≤1 × 10-7cm / s; production plant: general ground hardening.

3. Exhaust gas treatment measures:

Spray drying exhaust gas and concentrated non-condensing exhaust gas are equipped with a complete exhaust gas collection system. After various types of process exhaust gas are collected by mass, they are treated by cyclone dust removal and water spraying treatment according to the characteristics of the exhaust gas. .

4. Noise control measures: The project uses high-efficiency and low-noise equipment in the design. It requires vibration and noise reduction measures for high-noise equipment, reasonable planning of equipment layout, and strengthening the perimeter greening to ensure that the perimeter noise meets the standards.

5. Solid waste disposal measures: all kinds of industrial wastes are collected and disposed of reasonably without being discharged. Domestic garbage will be cleaned up and disposed of by the local sanitation department.

6. Environmental risk prevention and emergency measures: The enterprise takes preventive measures for hazardous chemicals management, transportation, storage, production and use processes and terminal treatment, and is equipped with sufficient risk prevention and emergency rescue facilities and related professionals to formulate strict Prevention system and emergency plan for sudden environmental accidents, so as to effectively reduce the probability of sudden environmental pollution accidents and minimize the impact of accidental pollution.

V. Conclusion of environmental impact assessment

According to the preliminary analysis of the environmental impact report, this project complies with the requirements of the national industrial policy and industry development plan, and also with the requirements of the local overall plan. On the basis of taking corresponding pollution prevention and control measures, the pollutants can be discharged up to The surrounding environment of the project has little impact, and the local environmental function can basically maintain the status quo of the regional environment. This EIA believes that the project is feasible from the perspective of environmental protection under the premise of seriously implementing the "three simultaneous" and various environmental protection measures proposed in this report.

6. Objects, scope and deadline for soliciting public opinions

1. Objects and scope

Mainly aimed at residents, enterprises and institutions around the project construction site.

2. Main matters

(1) Opinions or opinions on the current environmental quality of the region

(2) Views on corporate environmental protection behavior

(3) Opinions, opinions or requirements for construction projects

(4) Requirements or opinions on environmental protection work of local government and relevant departments

3. The way and time of disclosure

The publicity was posted on the publicity column of the community, village committee and other units, and posted on the website.

Publicity time: June 11, 2018 ~ June 25, 2018

7. Feedback channels for soliciting public opinions

The public (individuals or groups) shall contact the construction unit, environmental assessment unit, local management department and environmental protection department by letter, telephone or other methods within 10 working days (until June 8, 2018) It is recommended to affix official seals to groups and units, individuals should be named and explain contact information. If the public needs to supplement the relevant information, please contact the EIA unit during the public announcement period to ask for it. The EIA unit will truly record the public's opinions and suggestions in the "Environmental Impact Report", and reflect the public's valuable opinions and suggestions to the project construction unit, design unit and relevant departments.

1. Name and contact information of the construction unit

(1) Name of the unit: Xinghui Tianli (Hangzhou) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

(2) Location of the unit: No.599 Hongfeng Road, Yuhang Economic and Technological Development Zone

(3) Contact: Cheng Gong Tel: 86168980 to 8930

2. Name and contact information of environmental impact assessment agency

(1) Name of the unit: Zhejiang Industrial Environmental Protection Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.

(2) Location of the unit: Floor 7-10, Building 14, No. 149 Jiaogong Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

(3) Certificate number: National Environmental Assessment Certificate No. 2007

(4) Contact: Chen Gong Tel: 88212397

3. Contact information of the management department where the company is located

(1) Name of the unit: Management Committee of Yuhang Economic Development Zone

(2) Tel: 86138322

(3) Address: No. 2 Chaofeng East Road, Yuhang District

4. Contact information of the approval department

(1) Name of the unit: Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuhang District, Hangzhou

(2) Tel: 0571-89163927

(3) Unit address: Environmental Protection Window of Yuhang District Administrative Service Center, No. 265 South Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou

8. The way and time of the publication of the environmental impact report

The environmental impact report of this project will be published on the website of the EIA unit ( before being submitted to the environmental protection authority for approval.


Publicity and announcement unit: Sinphar Tian-Li  Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(Hangzhou)

Public announcement time: June 8, 2018

